Learn Texas Holdem at the hottest poker rooms on the net.


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If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is the value of a video? Get back to us if you figure it out as we're still a little busy doing that Rubiks Cube thing.  Caprice knows how to play Texas Holdem Poker and if you want a quick and concise run through of the game click away. If on the other hand you are more the bookworm type, read here and we'll give you our version.

Texas Holdem Tip!
Consider the blinds the price of playing the game. Never feel the need to keep calling if you have a week hand just because you have blind money in the pot. Toss your cards, it's cheaper in the long run.

Ready to play Texas Holdem?

Well before you jump in you may want to consider this. If you're a novice and think you know what you're doing because you've been playing the free tables you may as well say goodbye to your money now. You my friend are what is known as a fish. Your are a source of income for seasoned players who are waiting for someone like you to swim to their table. Don't want to be a fish? Then you need to be patient and take the time to hone your game. Below are 4 texas holdem poker rooms. Each one has been chosen to allow you to learn the game and increase your skill level. Will you become a shark over night? Hardly, but by taking your time and learning the nuances of the game these rooms will get you on your way to becoming a better texas holdem player.

Poker School Online

Poker school. Gee, that sounds like a good place to start. Poker School Online delivers buckets of texas holdem information for you to digest at your leisure. Poker articles, free downloadable practice software, access to tutors and online tests are just part of the Poker School package. You'll also be able to take part in live freeroll tournaments with cash prizes and be able to keep an eye on how you rank compared to all the other students. If you're serious about poker, this should be your first stop online.



Once you're done school head to PokerPages.com to test out your new found skills. PokerPages is a tournament site where you play Texas Holdem head to head with people from around the world. Why tournaments? Simple. Unlike playing free tables where players bet the world and can constantly refill their bank account a tournament must have a winner and a fixed bank roll. By not giving you unlimited funds you'll find tournament play is closer to the real thing than play at free tables. Points and prizes are awarded here as added incentive to play smart.

Texas Holdem Poker

Party Poker

Over 17 million served in over 185 countries. Gee, sounds like a burger joint we know. Party Poker is the fast food of texas holdem poker rooms and as such you'll find more fish here than any other place on the net. Now you, having learned the finer points of the game are ready to become the shark. If you're going to make money playing holdem there's a good chance you can do it here. One thing to watch out for here are the low bet tables as bad players will still tend to keep throwing money in all the way to the river in the hopes of catching a good hand. Play at a table you can comfortably afford, play smart and reap your rewards.


Ultimate Bet

Ultimate Bet came onto the poker scene in 2000 and is one of the oldest poker rooms on the internet. Enlisting the likes of poker legends Phil Hellmuth and Annie Duke to help with play and design features Ultimate Bet provides one of the truest Texas Holdem poker experiences around. When you're tired of all the loose play at other poker rooms and want to test your skills against the best, Ultimate Bet should be your card room of choice.

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